Monday 7 July 2014

Day 177: Treck up to the Black H'Mong village

Today we woke up fairly early and went to go meet the two women from the Black H'Mong tribe who would take us up to their village to show us around and cook some local food for us. We thought we were pretty appropriately dressed in strappy tops and a pair of shorts and trainers, until about half an hours walk in when we asked how long it would take to get there. We genuinely thought we heard them wrong when they replied 3-4 hours, but no we had heard completely right-we had accidentally just put ourselves forward for a 3 hour hike up into the mountains, all we could do was laugh and continue our way up into the hills. Along the way the views were incredible, with endless valleys of stepped rice paddy fields, then suddenly we would plunge back into deep fog. We walked through several other little collections of houses where different families from the tribe lived. Our guide, Vaa, would casually point out that the kids running around in one village were here sister's children, or in the next village it would be her sister in laws house etc. Finally we arrived at her house where she began preparing our lunch, as we sat and watched her two gorgeous little girls play with their baby brother-pinching his chubby cheeks and placing various objects on his head to see if they would balance there. The food was incredibly and they insisted on giving us more and more (not a good idea as we had another 3 hour trek back again!)
I think we did ourselves proud this evening as we managed to spend about an hour desperately trying to search for a way to watch Wimbledon online, every single time, however, it failed. Until we thought that we may as well try out the tiny little TV in our hostel room, we were about to give up when suddenly Djokovic and Fed came up on. We proceeded to spend the rest of the evening screaming at the screen for Fed to win. 

Our guides Vaa and Nu with Vaa's little baby boy on her back

We came across a girl just casually standing on the back of her buffalo

These two gorgeous children were Vaa's sister in laws children we passed on the way

Vaa's house