Tuesday 28 January 2014

Day 30: Machu Picchu day 1

The day began at around 6am when both Clem and I woke up to the dreaded thought of having to pack. Having bought excess amounts of alpaca goods yesterday it was near impossible to fit everything in. About an hour and half later of sitting on bags and almost breaking the zips we had finally shoved everything in. Last night we had met up with Clem's friend, Jack, and he was going to be coming with us for the Machu trip and the next 2 weeks or so. All of us grabbed some eggs on toast for breakfast, which for Clemmie was to re-appear only a few minutes later. Once we had finally left the hostel we began our journey to Ollyantaytambo, where we would then catch a train to Aguas Calientes. However, it did not go as smoothly as we thought; about half way in Clemmie again began complaining of feeling extremely sick and then proceeded to ask the , poor taxi driver to pull over. However, instead of stopping in a secluded spot, he pulled over right next a woman and her daughter who were walking their sheep and pigs, who I think were a little startled with Clemmie throwing up the rest of her breakfast a few metres in front of them. Once we were back on the road we soon came into the little town and had a look around. The train journey lasted about 2 hours and we finally came into the town of Aguas Calientes at around 3 and met our guide who took us to the hostel for an early night, as we have an extremely early wake up tomorrow morning in order to hike up Machu Picchu.

next to impossible packing our bags

good start to the day

Loki Hostel

Clem not feeling her best

markets in Ollyantaytambo

spot the tourists

Clem recovered very quickly and then scoffed some mint choc chip and lemon ice cream-the ice cream man couldn´t understand her combination though

the train

Aguas Calientes