Friday 14 March 2014

Day 64: Skydiving over Franz Josef Glacier

Yesterday we decided we were going to skydive at Franz Josef, so we booked it all up online and then today we turned up at the little office where we were told the directions of the airfield. Down a little gravel track we found the hanger and a group of mostly Germans who were also going to be skydiving that day as well. After waiting around for a bit, we were soon kitted up in our seriously attractive red jumpsuits, weird leather hats and some goggles. Before we knew it, we had met our tandem guide who would be skydiving with us and had a quick run through of what we should do once we hurled ourselves out of the plane. We all got into the tiny plane which climbed up to 12,000 feet and we could see the glacier, as well as tropical rainforest and the turquoise sea all at once (apparently the only place in the world this is possible!). I was going to jump out first with my guide called Lee who happened to come from Wales and knew of whereabouts Clem and I went to school etc. We sat on the edge of the plane and crossed my arms over my chest like we had been told then suddenly we were falling out of the plane- all I remember is being upside down and feeling like my entire insides had been left up in the plane- but it was genuinely incredible. Before I had time to realise it, the parachute had been pulled and we were gently floating back down to earth.

Celebratory fish and chips!